…there was \Pi
A mythological investigation of Egyptian sermons, Biblical scripture as well as Babylonian and Sumerian excerpts led me to the hypothesis that Pi was encoded in the first chapter of Genesis.
For this examination, we will focus only on demonstrable computations and observations with no conjectures or conclusions.
The Language
Hebrew is an ancient Semitic language that has been spoken for over 3,000 years. It was originally written using a script known as Paleo-Hebrew1 which consisted of 22 letters and was used until around the 5th century BC. Hebrew was primarily a spoken language Israelites used to communicate to one another.
The Timeline
The Alphabet
The Letters
The Paleo-Hebrew script was a phonetic abjad2 used by the ancient Israelites before the adoption of the modern Hebrew (Square) script. It consists of 22 letters, all of which are consonants3. Like modern Hebrew, it is written from right to left. Influenced by Egyptian culture before the Exodus from enslavement, features from the hieroglyphs such as the use of the acrophonic4 principle as well as resemblance in some of the forms5 are readily apparent. These letters are the basis for almost every written alphabet in use today, including the Latin script used in English writing.
In attempt to make this project more accessible, letters will be also transliterated into the Latin script (English letters) as well as the modern Hebrew script (as in the Torah) to allow the reader to get a sense of what the letters sound like.
The Verse
𐤁𐤓𐤀𐤔𐤉𐤕 𐤁𐤓𐤀 𐤀𐤋𐤄𐤉𐤌 𐤀𐤕 𐤄𐤔𐤌𐤉𐤌 𐤅𐤀𐤕 𐤄𐤀𐤓𐤑
- In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
- Genesis 1:1
Opening a Torah today, you will be presented with modern Hebrew script:
בראשית ברא אלהים את השמים ואת הארץ
Using only the Latin script that English speakers are familiar with this might read something like the following:
Reminder: Vowels are not written. The written ‘A’ is not a vowel.
- Split the verse into words.
- Join the words into a string of letters
- Multiply the number of letters and the values of each of the letters to calculate the numerator.
- Multiply the number of words and the sum of the values of the letters of each word to calculate the denominator.
- The ratio of the numerator / denominator is an accurate approximation of \pi.
from math import prod, pi
from rich import print
def forms() -> str:
Return a string of all the Paleo-Hebrew `forms`.
= 0x10900
start = start + 22
stop return ''.join(chr(ordinal) for ordinal in range(start, stop))
def listvalues() -> list[int]:
List the values of the Paleo-Hebrew letters.
= list(range(1, 10))
ones = list(range(10, 100, 10))
tens = list(range(100, 1000, 100))
hundreds return ones + tens + hundreds
def evaluate(form: str) -> int:
Return value of `form`.
= dict(zip(list(forms()), listvalues()))
values return values.get(form)
def wordsum(word: str) -> int:
Sum the values of letters in `word`.
return sum(evaluate(letter) for letter in word)
def letterproduct(letters: str) -> int:
Calculate the product of the letters.
return prod(evaluate(letter) for letter in letters) * len(letters)
def wordproduct(words: list[str]) -> int:
Calculate the product of the words.
return prod(wordsum(word) for word in words) * len(words)
Define verse.
= '𐤁𐤓𐤀𐤔𐤉𐤕 𐤁𐤓𐤀 𐤀𐤋𐤄𐤉𐤌 𐤀𐤕 𐤄𐤔𐤌𐤉𐤌 𐤅𐤀𐤕 𐤄𐤀𐤓𐤑'
𐤁𐤓𐤀𐤔𐤉𐤕 𐤁𐤓𐤀 𐤀𐤋𐤄𐤉𐤌 𐤀𐤕 𐤄𐤔𐤌𐤉𐤌 𐤅𐤀𐤕 𐤄𐤀𐤓𐤑
Split verse into words.
= VERSE.split()
words print(f'There are {len(words)} words in the verse.')
There are 7 words in the verse.
String together all the letters in the verse.
= ''.join(words)
letters print(f'There are {len(letters)} letters in the verse.')
There are 28 letters in the verse.
Make a table with the letters and their corresponding values.
= dict(zip(list(forms()), listvalues())) values
Calculate the numerator.
Q_{N} : numerator
n_{L} : number of letters
l_{n} : letter value
Q_{N} = n_{L} l_{1} l_{2} l_{3} ... l_{n}
= letterproduct(letters)
numerator print(numerator)
Calculate the denominator.
Q_{D} : denominator
n_{W} : number of words
W_{n} : sum of letter values of word
Q_{D} = n_{W}W_{1} W_{2} W_{3} ... W_{n}
= wordproduct(words)
denominator print(denominator)
Calculate the quotient as the 17th power.
Q = \frac{Q_{N}}{Q_{D}}
= numerator / denominator / 1E17
result print(f'Q = {result}')
Q = 3.1415545078310996
Calculate the percentage of error.
= (result - pi) * 100 / pi
error print(f'{error}% ~ {pi}')
-0.0012142172108135655% ~ 3.141592653589793
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet.
There are 7 words in the verse.
\frac{22}{7} is also an approximation of \pi.
The Greek character denoting \pi comes directly from the Hebrew letter Pe.
Pe is the 17th letter signifying “mouth”, “corner”
The resulting computation is to the 17th power of 10.
There are 28 letters in the verse.
28 is the 7th triangular number.
There are 28 zeroes in the numerator.
Number of letters in the first 3 words: 14
Number of letters in the last 4 words: 14
Number of letters in the 4th and 5th words: 7
Number of letters in the 6th and 7th words: 7
Number of letters in the keywords meaning “God”, “heaven”, “earth”: 14
Sum of the keywords: 86 + 395 + 296 = 777
Factors for the sum of the word meaning “created”:
2+200+1=203= 7*29Factors for the sum of the first and last letters of all 7 words:
402+3+401+45+406+95=1393= 7*199Factors for the sum of the first and last letters of the first and last word: 402+95=497= 7*71
To be continued …
also known as Biblical Hebrew or Old Hebrew.↩︎
explicitly, each letter represents a consonant, vowels are inferred from the context↩︎
literally, sounding together↩︎
a letter is named after a spoken word representing a common object which is written as the first initial of that sound (“A” is for “Apple”)↩︎
visible shape as it is written↩︎